Fresh Royal Gala Apples Pack 1.5kg

Category: Food Items
SKU: Fresh Royal Gala Apples Pack 1.5kg


Fresh Royal Gala Apples Pack 1.5kg.

  • Groceries Demo
  • 106 Aldrovande Palace 6 Jubilee Grove Umhlanga Ridge Durban North, Umhlanga Ridge, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa(4001)
  • 9876543210
A free, pre-built Groceries E-Commerce website. List and sell products online. Manage and track orders and sales. Built-in Point of Sale. Integrated delivery partners. Create and manage coupons, discounts and vouchers.

This template also allows you to:
Offer your customers the ultimate convenience in ordering their groceries online
Easy-to-use website and integrated payment gateways that are safe and secure
Add and sell your groceries online
Track and manage orders and sales on one dashboard
Create custom lead forms
Allow customers to select pickup or delivery for their orders.
Make use of the email marketing tool so you can stay connected with your customers, giving them regular updates about new products or specials.
Create discounts and vouchers for your products